Roaring Sky

A Hellsguard woman from Abalathia's Spine who travels Eorzea in search of coin and adventure. Eager to go toe to toe with any mighty adversary to grow as a warrior and follow in the footsteps of her father.

In-Game Name: Roaring Sky
Full Name: Roaring Sky
Nicknames: Roar /Roary
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Warrior for hire
Race: Roegadyn / Hellsguard
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Skin: Dark brown
Hair: Black with red highlights
Eyes: Wine Red
Height: 222cm / 7.2ft
Body Type & Weight: Chiseled with muscles. Weight: 132kg
Nationality: Vigilance Outpost, Abalathia's Spine.
Diety: Rhalgr The Destroyer
Namesday: 25th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
Skills: Highly skilled warrior. Tough. Good at traversal in mountainous terrain.

First glance
Upon first glance Roaring may come across as a bit of a loudmouth and possibly a braggart. She always speaks with a tone of confidence, be it about herself or of her friends.
She carries herself much like what she is; A warrior. Walking with usually tall and proud demeanor.